- 2129 Thorley Rd., PVE for sale $3,289,000. Call Norma for more details.
There are currently 57 Palos Verdes luxury homes priced at or above $3MM for sale on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. The most expensive home currently for sale in the city/area is below:
Palos Verdes Estates: $26,680,000
Rolling Hills: $48MM
Rancho Palos Verdes: $10MM
Palos Verdes Peninsula (the unincorporated areas): $3,480,000
Rolling Hills Estates: No homes priced over $3MM are currently for sale
- 2129 Thorley Rd., Palos Verdes Estates. Call Norma for more info.
Ten Palos Verdes luxury homes are currently in escrow with accepted offers.
Ten luxury residences sold in Palos Verdes year-to-date.
- Lower Lunada Bay home for sale. Call Norma Toering for more info. 310.493.8333
For more information regarding buying or selling a luxury home on the Palos Verdes Peninsula contact Norma@CharlemagneProperties.com or call 310.493.8333.