Friday, March 25, 2016

To Stage, or Not To Stage

Staged luxury home 

Staged luxury home in Palos Verdes To stage, or not to stage is the question many sellers grapple with when they make the decision to list their property for sale. Staging is often an upfront cost with no guarantee it will deliver a ready, willing and able buyer. On the other hand, showing a property staged to perfection increases the home's appeal to prospective buyers.

Will staging my property enhance the value? Probably not to an appraiser, but the added value of staging a property is frequently returned to the seller in other ways. Most staged homes sell faster than similar homes listed with a "lived in" look.

Professional staging companies often suggest a fresh coat of paint on the walls and new flooring in some instances as a backdrop for their staged rooms. Again, more costs for the seller before the sale but buyers prefer moving into a home with neutral walls and new flooring. The freshness factor sells.
  875 S Madison Ave Pasadena CA Dining Room

Staged homes are a godsend for buyers who are not visually gifted in imagining their belongings in a new space. Stagers can make those little nooks and crannies irresistibly appealing and open floorplans less intimidating. Most buyers are not designers with an eye for furniture placement. Staging helps buyers with the visualization process. If they can't imagine living in a house, buyers will not purchase it. A reduced number of days on the market saves additional mortgage payments and property taxes.
  875 S Madison Ave-MLS-058 

Staged exterior of luxury home sold by Charlemagne Int'l Properties In a competitive real estate market, sellers should give serious consideration to paying for professional staging in addition to the usual pre-sale preparations especially if the property is in the high-end luxury home price range. This suggestion is particularly the case if the house is vacant and has serious competition in the area. Staging is an effective way to turn a house into a home in a buyer's mind, and a showing into a sale.

  Palos Verdes Home Values - Broker Charlemagne